Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Fashion Advice For Plus Size Women - Ezine Articles


A growing trend in fashion is the plus sized wardrobe which has become a hit amongst women of all ages and size ranges. Most women are no longer in the size 2-10 range and are curvier and more buxom. For this reason, most stylists have a few words of advice when purchasing clothing in the plus sized range.
Keep the same rules in the plus range as you would in the smaller sizes. Choose classic pieces or suits which will always be in fashion no matter what the year or season. Purchase one pant or skirt suit in a plain color which fits you properly and serves you well for any important occasion.
Purchase a few blouses or shirts which will complement the suit and bring out the color of your eyes, hair and facial tones. These blouses can be worn with the suit, another pair of trousers or skirt. Try to buy fabrics which will wash and dry quickly for the next business meeting or party. Cotton, silk and linen make suitable tops material while wool is an excellent suit material.
Purchase clothing which fits you properly. There is nothing worse than gorgeous plus sized women wearing too tight shirts, pants or jeans. Buy a size larger and the clothes should be easy to do up and not make you look like a sausage in its casing. Wear good quality foundation garments to enhance your proportions. Bras should uplift your bosom and make a blouse look very good on you.
Avoid showing off too much skin as in halter tops or sleeveless tops. Leave something to the imagination and always dress as though you were going to meet someone special that day. Good fitting lounge clothes, bathing suits and tee shirts should enhance your body, not draw a critical eye.
Finally, complement your wardrobe with a hair style, classic make up and good fitting shoes. Accessories should be worn with to complement your face and eyes and not be overwhelming. Avoid too much jewellery or scarves, which take the focus from your beautiful face. Now you are ready to go forth and seize the world.
Choose shoes which are suitable for all day at work. Spiked heels are not required at work and should be saved for evening fare. If you want to dress up for evening then go for it but remember that it is your face and hair that everyone should be looking at, not your skimpy dress or top.

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